Standard replacement primary gear oil seal, also known as the clutch oil seal.
This fits all manual transmission Mini/Metro A-Series engines, from standard road cars to full race.
It also fits the latest design of MED Cambelt Drive, but for that we offer a Cambelt Drive Seal Kit.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the original part number for this seal?

Rover listed these as 13H2934 and the later seal, fitted from 1991, was LUF10005. After trying all types of oil seal, we find that this particular type gives the best results.
Is there a specific fitting method?

Careful fitment is vital to the success of the oil seal. We use an original Sykes Pickavant sleeve tool to carefully press these into place in the transfer case housing, avoiding damage from the primary gear teeth. Modern versions of this tool are readily available - a useful thing to have in your Mini toolkit if regularly building A-Series engines. Fitment away from the engine is much more simple, if you have the transfer housing apart, pressing it in with a suitable size adapter.
Do I need to apply extra sealant, like RTV?

No, we would just use a light wipe of oil on the seal as it's pressed in.
Is this suitable for competition engines?

Yes it's the seal we'd use on all Mini engines. You may also wish to consider fitting an MED-4851-DS, to protect the seal from clutch dust.
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