Exclusive to MED, this high quality inlet and exhaust manifold gasket suits all A-Series engines. This is cut from a specialist composite gasket material for optimum sealing on the head face.
We offer two types, as follows;
- Standard, 36mm diameter inlet, 30x26mm exhaust
- Competition, 41mm diameter inlet, 35x28mm exhaust
Frequently Asked Questions
Is this just a standard inlet manifold gasket?

No, this is a bespoke gasket that's cut from a specialised graphite composite material with stainless steel reinforcement. Over the years we have tried all manner of gasket materials on the A-Series cylinder head with varying degrees of success. Unlike many modern engines, a single gasket seals both exhaust and inlet manifold faces. The latest design, exclusive to MED, gives the best alignment to the ports, and we've found this specific material to offer the best seal. They work really well.
Can I re-use the gasket?

Perhaps in an emergency, but we would usually fit a new one when changing the manifolds or removing the cylinder head.
What's the difference between the standard and large-bore gasket?

The port size - the standard size should suit any cylinder head that's ported for fast road use with an SU carburettor. The competition version is considerably larger, for all-out competition cylinder heads. We have listed the port sizes above for comparison.
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