Replacement oil pressure valve spring for the pressure relief valve, with optional ball bearing or cup/bullet design.
Engine builders usually have a personal preference on the ball bearing or cup, so we list both types.
Frequently Asked Questions
Would you recommend a ball or cup?

The cup was fitted as standard to the A-Series engine pressure relief valve. However, any debris picked up by the unfiltered oil pump passes through here and has been known on occasion to wedge the cup in place. As an alternative, some prefer to swap the cup design for a ball bearing, so we offer both options.
Do I need to fit a new valve seat at the same time?

If this has been damaged somehow, then yes you would need to change it. However, from our experience it is best left well alone if you can, as it can be very tricky to replace successfully.
Can I fit this to any A-Series engine?

Yes, but it's common practice to trim down the spring to achieve the ideal oil pressure. With an untrimmed spring, you may find that the oil pressure is too high. This will need some experimentation with your oil pressure gauge.
Do I need to lap-in the cup?

Yes we would recommend lightly lapping-in the cup to the seat to give the best fitment, if not using the ball bearing setup.
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