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A great tool that totally eliminates piston ring breakage associated with the original piston ring compressing tools.
Simple and easy to use – place the piston into the tapered side of the tool and push into the bore.
We stock the four most common bore sizes for 1275-based A-Series engines and offer a reduced price on a complete set (see options in the dropdown menu above).
Frequently Asked Questions
Which engines are these sleeve tools designed for?

Any 1275-based A-Series engine, including the later A+ and SPi/MPi Mini blocks. They will also suit 970 and 1071 Cooper S blocks, which shared the same bore size.
Why do you not keep a standard 1275 size?

We sell comparatively few standard 1275 size pistons, as most rebuild projects tend to require a re-bore to +20 or more, and unfortunately it's not viable to make a very small batch of tools.
What makes these better than a regular tool?

There's much less chance of breaking a piston ring when using this tool, as it's sized perfectly to suit the particular bore, with a taper at the top for easy assembly. Obviously you will still need to carefully align the tool to the bore, but you'll find this much better than the traditional one-size-fits-all tools.
Can I use this with any piston?

Yes, so long as the bore sizes match. We show the tool being used with Omega pistons in the video above, but it'll work with others.
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